Thursday, February 29, 2024

Anime Special Review! Gosho Aoyama's Collection of Short Stories (1999)

 What is up everyone! Its the last day of the month so this Blog made it in just in time. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.

One thing I love about doing these reviews is that it has opened me up to discover Animes that I never would have watched otherwise. When it comes to Detective Conan, I consider myself to be a casual fan, I really enjoy the series but I tend to jump in and out of it and usually just match the movies on a regular basis.

The review this week is a Anime based on the short stories from the creator of Case Closed. The Anime up for review is Gosho Aoyama's Collection of Short Stories.

I will start by saying, these  short stories all provide something different a creative in their own way, and if you enjoy Detective Conan you will really enjoy these stories. 

I wont go into much detail for the shorts because you need to experience them for yourself but my favorite one was the detective George short which involves a detective that's miniature. I love this short because not only is it just really good but the fact that there is no explanation as to why he is small and everyone arounds just accepts that he is. 

Another favorite was the Santa Claus in Summer short which is about a teen getting drunk and drunk dialing someone and accidently activating a government earth destruction device. The last short is a backstage look at the making of Detective Conan and shows the voice actors recording and its a really cool look at the process. 

Overall, this is a really solid collection of shorts and you can really see the storytelling style that Gosho likes to use and its honestly great. I found myself being hooked on each short, even the one's that were really short because they each had a solid story that just drew you in and made you enjoy them. 

I would highly recommend checking these out if you can find them. If you do a little searching there are pretty easy to track down. Once again, thank you all for reading and I will be back next month with another review for you all. Until next time..


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)