Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sorry for the lack of...EVERYTHING!

Hey guys!  We are back with a update. First we just want to say sorry for the lack of everything, we have so much stuff planned for you guys, but due to very busy schedules, we just have not had the time to get together to record. but dont worry we have plenty of barks and bonus puppys coming not to mention plenty of reviews coming up.

I am also planning to do a vs series, I have been watching alot of bad anime lately, so i figured put them up against each other and see who is the worse lol.

One last thing, I just finished making us a new rss feed, hopefully this one will be better than the last one we had. As of now you wont be able to download from the rss feed but if you miss a episode and dont want to scroll through the blog, this will be a quick way to find them.

Ok i think that is it for now. Thanks for sticking with us and we will continue to bring you guys awesome content.


p.s Just noticed that i can only show five episodes from the rss feed, so here is the link if you would like to bookmark the page

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Seishun con 2013!

Hey guys! We just got back from Seishun con, and it was great! we had a great time, and I even tasted some really "yummy" pound cake lol.

We took some pretty good pictures and got some good video. Hope you guys enjoy it.

We will be back this week with a full episode on the con.


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)