Friday, October 23, 2015

New Bonus Puppy up today!

Hey guys! Hope you are all having a good day. Just wanted to let you guys know that there will be a new Bonus puppy uploaded by tomorrow.

I also wanted to let you guys know that I am working on setting up a online video game store, so as soon as I have more news i will inform you guys and will share the link.

Hope you guys will enjoy the bonus puppy, Have a good day.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Quick Update

Hey guys! Just stopping to give you guys a quick update on what is about to happen in the next week. First there is a new bark up so head to the youtubes and check it out lol second I have been buying a lot of anime DVDs and also buying a lot of manga lately so within the next week I will try to make a video showing off the new stuff I have.

Hope you guys stick with us and thanks for reading.


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)