Thursday, June 29, 2017

Movie Review: Black Butler ( Live Action)

Hey guys! As you know its Davius here....or maybe you dont know lol but I hope everyone has been doing great. This post will be a little different from the post I have done before. Yesterday while at work i decided that i should watch the Black Butler live action movie, so i watched it and i decided I should review it.

So I didnt realize that the Black Butler movie came out in 2014, I remember hearing about it coming out and i really wanted to see it but clearly time passed and i didnt get around to it but i finally did. The first thing that I noticed and Im sure anyone who has watched this movie noticed and that is instead of our main character being Ciel the main character is Kiyohara Genpu and I must say the actress Ayame Goriki who plays the main character is so so so so cute lol did i mention she was cute, but that aside she really did a good job in this role and I thought she put just the right amount of emotion into the character. 

I must say I wasnt sure what to expect from Mizushima Hiro playing the role of Sebastian but he really did good, in those fight scenes he really looked great, and thats my next thing i really enjoyed each fight scenes they were swift and each attack looked smooth and i was really into them. My favorite fight scene by far though was the one where Rin went on a rampage and she went into full Hitman mode lol it was beautiful. 

Before I get into the small thing i didnt like I have to mention just how beautiful the sceneary was, there were scenes where they were out in the garden and wow it was just stunning to look at. Now to the one small thing that I didnt really like and that was the Undertakers character, I did like his look but he sort of felt out of place a little bit you only see him once and it honestly could have been left out.

Overall I will say I really enjoyed this movie, The story was really good, the characters were all fun to watch and I must say it does get bloody which i was surprised by but i did enjoy. If you are a fan of the anime I say watch it for sure but if you prefer the manga more than the anime it may not be for you because it does change some things around but you still may enjoy it. Oh did I mention the actress who plays the aunt is also beautiful lol deadly but beautiful. I think I have to give this movie a 8/10 because I really loved it.  If you want to watch I dont know if there is a dvd with english subs but it is online on Kissasian.

Well hope you guys enjoyed this review and I think Ill do more of these, so until next time


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)