Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Captain Earth: Forgotten anime 17?

What is up guys! Hope you all have been doing well. I was thinking yesterday that a new blog post was long overdue so I figured today would be a good day to give you guys a post. This weeks post will be another forgotten anime post, this one was a bit hard because I couldn't figure out what anime to talk about but then it hit me Lets talk about a show that I love but nobody else seems to and that show is Captain Earth!

Captain earth was a anime that came out in 2014 and way brought to us by the studio Bones. Bones has given us some great anime but they also gave us Stardriver......F'n Stardriver..... but this is not a post about that garbage.

Captain Earth was about the main character Daichi who stumbles upon this facility that is for lack of a better word raising  tube children inside of it, which brings us our other main characters Hana, Akari and teppi. Now im not going to tell you that Captain Earth is some great story in fact I would say that the show is basically Eureka Seven with Daichi being Renton and Hana being Eureka.

What I enjoyed about Captain Earth was that It provided so really good characters and while the story can be a little lacking the action and character interactions were always really fun.

I can understand why some people dont like this anime but I recommend it to fans who just enjoy a little senseless mech fighting mixed in with a little bit of pervyness If you do decide that you have some time to waste I highly recommend Captain Earth and If you hate it then Remember I told you not to watch it lol, it is licensed  by Sentai Works so it should be available legally to watch somewhere. 

Thanks for reading.....


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