Saturday, June 6, 2020

Dog & Scissors: Forgotten Anime 18?

Hello guys! Hope that everyone is doing great, sorry for the long absence from the blog but the train is back on the tracks!. We are back today with another entry in the forgotten Anime series and this is one that even I forgot about but still love. The Anime we will be discussing today is the one and only Dog & Scissors.

Dog and Scissors is a anime that debuted during the Summer season in 2013 and it was about a guy who turns into a dog and becomes the pet to his favorite writer but she is a bit sadistic to put it lightly. I remember loving this anime when it was out because if im being honest I do like my anime girls to be a little crazy and in this anime Natsuno fits the bill.

It is easy to see how this anime was forgotten because it came out along heavy hitters such as: Blood Lad, Free! and some anime called Danganronpa. What I loved about the series was not only was it funny but the relationship was never like a pet and their owner but like a owner and their toy and while that sounds bad it did match the show funny even if it was a little repetitive at times.

If you enjoy shows like Prison School, then I think this will fall right down your alley and I highly recommend it.

Alright guys, thanks for readng this and I hope you enjoy. I willl be back regularly now because I want to be more active with you guys.


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