Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Air Gear: Forgotten Anime 25?

     What is up everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend and are having a great week. Im coming back this week with another insert into the forgotten Anime series. You can thank the Anime Sk8 The Infinity for helping me decide what anime to discuss because it reminds me so much of this show. 

The Anime in question today, is the one and the only Air Gear! If you have seen air gear them I think you will realize why it reminds me of Sk8 and both are two of my favorite animes. 

I didnt watch Air gear until 2019 or early 2020 but Air Gear originally came out way back in 2006 and to keep the description simple its about people who Inline Skate with these skates are a bit different and it involves different crews of skaters  as well as a deeper backstory behind the whole thing. 

Air Gear is a well known Anime but its also one of those Anime's that doesnt get recommended alot you just stumble across it and think "ive heard of that". I will say the story can get a little weird when it comes to the backstory.

If you are someone like myself who is  a big fan of extreme sports then I really think you will enjoy this Anime but you will also love the story and the characters. I highly recommend this Anime and with it being dubbed its a really easy watch. I will point out though, there is a 3 episode OVA sequel but there are a few chapters of the manga that you need to read first before you watch those episodes. 

Thank you all for reading, and hope you enjoy Air Gear if you check it out!


Monday, April 19, 2021

Update and upcoming reviews!

 What is up guys! I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to pop in a give you guys a quick update about whats to come in the next few weeks here on the blog. First I want to say sorry that the blog hasnt been more consistent  but I really am planning to change that because I have a new job and ill be working from home so that will give me time to write up blogs and have them scheduled to release. 

On to the next part of news for this update, and that is  the next Anime that I will be reviewing will be Wedding Peach DX! Now im not very familiar with the Wedding Peach series so im excited to dive into the franchise and bring you guys a fun review.

Thank you again for sticking with the blog and continuing to enjoy what you read. If you would like to support the blog and also be apart of it, if you join our Patreon then ill review any Anime you would like.

See you all soon


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)