Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Monday, October 4, 2021
OVA Review! 6 Angels (01/02)
What is up guys! We are back this month with another review for you guys. I hope everyone has been doing feel and hope you all had a good September, last month was actually pretty busy for me, I went to a International Night Market that was pretty fun and I got to do a pop up shop for my business that went really well. .
The review for today was technically supposed to come a few months ago but I was having trouble tracking down the whole series for a bit but today im finally bringing you the review. So here we are and the review for today is of the Anime 6 Angels.
6 Angels is a bit of a weird one so I will try to break it down without spoiling to much, the basis of the story is that we have a secret female police force that has been tasked with taking down prisoners who have used radiation and nuclear bombs to start a riot. If you think that sounds a bit confusing then you would be right because until I read the description on Myanimelist I had no idea that prisoners starting a riot had anything to do with the story.
We get our main Villain in the form of Tony Kane who looks like Trigun on some of that special juice lol. The anime has a weird way of just having the story randomly just happen with no real form of why a character is being introduced. From episode to episode I found the character interactions hard to follow and at times you couldn't tell which characters were allies and who were not.
This is a 6 episode OVA series and by episode 5 we start to lead up to the final battle and resolution and to be fair it gets even weirder because we get introduced to the character Mom who is basically a Angel.
Ill stop here so I wont spoil anything but I cant say that I recommend this Anime, its a early 2000s Anime that feels like a 80s Anime and not in a good way. The anime takes all the bad storytelling from the 80s and applies it here but only worse. The anime is on Youtube although its not easy to find but there is a playlist for it.
Thank you for reading! We are closing in on the end of the year and Im hoping to close it out with a bag in the next few months. I hope you all look forward to the new post next month and until then have a great October!
What is up everyone! Hope you are all doing well and staying safe, see told you guys I would be back soon lol. Im back with new movie discu...
Hey guys! Davius here and I am back this week with another forgotten anime. I have really enjoyed this series because its bringing me back t...