Monday, February 28, 2022

Movie Review! Barefoot Gen (1983)

 What is up guys! I hope everyone is doing well. I know I'm a little late but I'm getting in the post for February just in time before its over lol. I hope everyone has been staying safe and hopefully your month has been good so far and for all my Twice fans, if you were lucky enough to see them live....were not friends anymore because I didn't lol . 

Alright the review for today is one that wasn't planned because I was going to be reviewing Aika but I got behind while watching other things so I decided to save it for next month and do a movie instead....and now I'm glad that I did.  The review is a movie that I wasn't even aware of and that is Barefoot Gen.

This Movie takes place in 1945 which as I'm sure most of you know is during the time of the war Between The US and Japan and it highlights how people were living during that time and how that had to adapt after the bombings. I'm sure by now you will be thinking "is this Grave of the Fireflies/" and yes the plots are very similar but Barefoot certainly can stand on its own and is equally as great in my opinion.

Our main character is Gen who loves to spend time with his younger brother and loves his family and even though his family is basically living day to day or as we say today check to check, he is very positive and can see the gold at the end of the rainbow. 

Eventually tragedy does hit and even though I knew the bombs were coming the build up really had me choked up and just seeing the people in terror really hit home just how devastating it was and also shows just how fast your life can be turned completely upside down.

Once the rebuilding of life begins we see that nothing will be the same and we also get introduced to a new character that helps to being a little light to Gen and also brings back a little bit of his past. Ill leave the review here so that I wont spoil anything but if you cannot tell this move is a must watch for any Anime fan and while it can be a hard watch because of the subject its also a very beautiful movie. The movie can be found on YouTube so its easy to access.

Well thank you all for readying and I hope you enjoyed this piece. Ill be back in march with something much lighter as I review Aika. Until then Stay safe and see you guys soon.


A3! Autumn and Winter Review

Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)