Thursday, April 28, 2022

OVA Review! .hack//Quantum (2011)

 What is up everyone! Hope you are all doing well, I was hoping to get this review up weeks ago but I may or may not have just been being lazy lol. Hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying the current Anime Spring season. 

I am back with a new ova review for you guys and this ova was another disappoint from a franchise that I really want to love but they are not making it easy. The series in question is .Hack and the series ill be reviewing today is .Hack//Quantum.

The series revolves around the friends who all play the game together until one day, one of the friends just disappears. The other friends them begin this search of not only finding out what happened to the friend but also solving some other weird things that are happening. If any of this sounds familiar, that's because its basically every virtual reality Anime you have every seem. 

Later around episode 2, we find out about another character and how they play a role in everything that is happening. Without spoiling to much, the character is someone the girls do not suspect due to their friendliness but their backstory clears that up in no so great detail. This series much like another .Hack series I watched refuses to actually take time to expand on the story and instead they just try to pile as much stuff into one or two scenes as they can and it just makes everything feel cramped and hard to follow.

    In episode 3, we finally get to see what really happened and why a character did what they do and why but to be honest I was just glad to see it all be wrapped up and done with. .Hack seems to be a franchise that is just for those who love the games because they are written as if they expect you to be fully aware of the story before watching and to me that just isolates those who have not played it. 

The anime wasn't terrible just not great, so for that I will give it a 5/10 but unless you are really into .Hack I would say you can skip this OVA.

Thank you all for reading, and I will be back next month with another semi decent blog for you guys lol. If you have seen this show then leave a comment. Until next Month....


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)