Thursday, July 13, 2023

OVA Review! Ane Log: Big Sister Moyako's Never-ending Monologue (2015)

 What is up guys! I know it seems like I was just posting but technically that was last month so I am back with a new post this month! The new Anime season has started and so far im enjoying the new shows but there are one or two that I can tell I might be dropping already.

    If you guys remember from the last post, I mentioned that the Anime In that review was the alternative version of the Anime I thought I was watching. Well today I am back with the correct version today and I must say....It was even better than I expected.

The Anime for review today Is non other than the top tier classic from 2015 called Ane Log!. Now if you are like me, you may have seen the name Ane Log float around on some Anime sites but you were not quite sure what the show was about. I had no idea what i was getting myself into but once the episode started I knew I was going down the rabbit hole.

Ane Log is about siblings Moyako and Akira, they are brother and sister and due to something Akira said when he was a kid, Moyako now thinks that he has some weird pervy crush on her but its all in her head. The beauty of this OVA is the ability of Moyako to turn the most innocent thing into this deep layered plat set by Akira to try and Perve on her and its never true. She has one friend who tries to let her know that this is all in her head and then one friend that fully embraces it. 

This Anime had me laughing from start to finish because yes technically kind of a bad Anime due to their really only being one plot point the entire time but the extremely weird scenarios that Moyako comes up with will make you laugh because they are so outrageous. If you like some mindless comedy this show will fill that need for sure. 

Overall I did enjoy this Anime because I enjoy some good trashy pervy Anime so this was right up my alley and if you like those also then i highly recommend this anime, Its only 3 episodes so its a pretty fast watch. Once again thank you all for reading and I will be back in August with a new review. Until then...


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)