Friday, January 19, 2024

OVA Review! Air In Summer (2005)

 Hello everyone! The first blog of the new year is finally here. I hope you all are having a great new year so far. Since we are diving head first back into the reviews, I figured I would start off with one that is pretty simple to enjoy.

The anime that is up for review this month is Air In Summer. Air in summer is an OVA of the Anime air that from what I like to call the Clannad Universe. I watched Air a few years ago and much like Clannad it was great and had a great story so I was pretty excited to watch this OVA. 

The OVA features our three characters: Kanna, Ryuuya and Uraha and we go on this journey of them going on the run due to Kanna not wanting to change Shrines. Its a bit of a simple story but it is well put together. 

Even though the characters are on the run, the OVA does add in some elements of comedy and some really good character moments. If you have seen Clannad or Air then you know exactly what to expect from this Anime and the tone of the Anime is exactly the same as those. I will say the OVA isn't amazing or anything but it was a easy watch so it didn't feel like it dragged on. 

If you are a fan of these styles of anime's especially Clannad and Air then you will enjoy this ova and its only 2 episodes so you will be able to breeze through it rather quickly.

Once Again, thank you all for reading, I know these reviews are not the most in depth but I hope you enjoy them. I will be back next month with another review for you all so until then, stay safe and...


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)