Thursday, February 21, 2019

Deltora Quest: Forgotten Anime 15?

Hey guys! Hope everyone has had a great week so far and hopefully you are having a great Wednesday. I am trying to keep these post coming on a regular basis so we are back with another post for you guys, this post is one that I thought I had already done given how much I love this anime but while I was checking my past post I realized that I hadn't, so the post for today is a forgotten anime post and the anime in question is......Deltora Quest.

I first discovered Deltora Quest when it was coming on the now also forgotten tv channel called The Hub, on first glance I thought that it was just another kids anime but the more I watched the more I realized that it actually had a really good story and characters that you wanted to see succeed. Deltora Quest came out in 2007 and given that it was a children's anime that seemed to fly under the radar im not surprised that here in the states it flew under the radar but given that it is also a book series I am surprised that it didnt get picked up by a bigger channel like Cartoon Network.

I would recommend Deltora Quest to anyone who enjoys adventure animes and while it is not bloody or anything the fighting and the action will defiantly keep you interested and will have you waiting to see what happens next. If you do decide to watch the series only the first 52 episodes are dubbed but the series is 65 episodes in total so you have to watch the others subbed. As far as I know the series is not currently licensed but you can watch it legally on Tubi Tv.

Well that is another post in the books, I hope you guys have enjoyed it as always and thank you for reading. Until next time....


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