Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Movie Discussion: Burn The Witch (2020)

 What is up everyone! Hope you are all doing well and staying safe, see told you guys I would be back soon lol. Im back with new movie discussion, I  don't want to call it a review because im not sure I could do a review justice but this is a Anime I defiantly wanted to talk about.

The movie im discussing today is one that was easily one of the most talked about Animes for the Summer Season and that is Burn The Witch. For those who don't know Burn The Witch is by Mangaka Tite Kubo who also created a little manga you may know called Bleach but Spoiler alert the Burn The Witch movie is no Bleach. 

Burn The Witch focuses on three main characters and they are Noel, Ninny and Balgo with the later just being comic relief more than anything else. While all the do have their own personalities they don't do enough to stand out from each other and it makes what little personality they do have sort of bland.

The weakest point of this whole movie is the plot, I wont go into to much detail in case you decide to watch it but the plot feels as if you are just thrown right into the middle of a series that's already started and they give you little to no info on whats happening.  The story is a bit bare bones and the movie honestly just feels like the movie is meant for a soft introduction to the manga.

If im being honest, unless your a big Bleach fan, I cant really recommend this movie, granted it is a short watch due to being three episodes it just doesn't have enough story to really hold your attention for very long but there are some cool looking dragons so there's that. 

Well thats it for this discussion, I hope you all enjoy reading and Ill see you all on the next post.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Gangsta: Forgotten Anime 20?

 Hey Everyone! Hope you are all doing well and if you are in any of the areas with the hurricane than I hope you are all safe.  Im back today with another forgotten anime for you guys. Its never easy to pick a anime to cover for this series but I think I have a good one today.

The anime that I will be discussing today is the Anime Gangsta. Gangsta premiered during the Summer 2015 season, and while I dont know if it had any hype behind it but I was pretty excited to watch it due to it being a darker toned anime. The anime revolves around the two main characters of Nicholas and Worick who are mercenaries. 

For the most part the anime basically follows them as they take on different jobs but we also get peaks into their life as well as the people they work for. It is pretty easy to see why the anime may be forgotten because it came out at the same time as a little anime that you may know called Prison School. 

If you enjoy anime's like Banana Fish then you will enjoy Gangsta but I would say that its not quite as good. Gangsta is licensed so you should be able to find it easily, I feel like its also dubbed but im not sure about that.

Thank you guys for reading! I hope you all enjoy it.


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)