Wednesday, January 6, 2021

OVA Review: 1+2= Paradise(1990)

 Happy New Years everyone! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. Ive been doing pretty well and im excited to bring you guys the first blog of 2021. The OVA im  bringing you guys today is one that sums up 90s Anime perfectly because it truly does not know what the meaning of censored is. 

Im not exactly sure how I found out about this anime but ive watched it so that you dont have to, the Anime that im mentioning is called 1+2= Paradise. Where do I start with this anime, the premise is based around the main character Yuusuke who's dad is trying to cure him of his fear of women. What's the best cure for this you may ask....well his dad invites two beautiful twins to come and live with them in hopes that his son will marry one of them

The show from this point basically goes in the direction that im sure you all could have guessed that it would but we do get some backstory on him and the twins that was pretty interesting. That basically sums up episode 1 or at least the PG parts of it but episode 2 takes a really weird turn and a great portion of the episode takes place in a floating circus...yes a floating circus. I wont go into much detail but they throw in a third woman and she sort of kidnaps Yuusuke.

As much as I enjoy pervy anime, at times even this was a little to pervy for me because it was just so frequent with everything and you never got a break from it. Im pretty sure its a obscure 90s anime so based on that I would recommend it but unless you really have some free time dont go out of your way to watch it but if you do you can watch it on Animefreak. 

This year I plan to bring you guys plenty of reviews and hope to really improve this blog in 2021. Thank you for reading!


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