Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Blade & Soul: Forgotten Anime 26?

 What is up guys! We are back this month with another new post for you guys. I hope everyone has been doing well. Originally this post was going to be a OVA review but I may have gotten a little lazy so instead im bringing you guys a Forgotten Anime post, but I hope you still enjoy it.

I was digging threw my completed list to try and find the Anime to discuss for this post and I had two or three I was picking between, but I decided to pick one that I enjoyed but Thought really overstayed its welcome so the Anime for today is Blade and Soul

Blade and Soul is a anime from back in 2014 and was based off of a Game. To give a quick rundown of what the Anime is About a assassin named Alka is on search to find the woman who killed her master and her goal is to get revenge. Its a pretty basic Anime premise but the story was actually solid and I will say the anime was really good......for about 9 episodes. I think the anime is forgotten because the anime really overstayed its welcome. The main story of the anime actually wraps up pretty decently in episode 12 and instead of that being it, they decided to tact on a episode 13 that really just felt out of place and was something that should have either been a middle filler episode or a dvd bonus OVA. 

Blade and Soul I think fell victim to a basic story overshadowing solid animation and solid action. I think some just say the story and didn't want to bother getting invested because it was a story they have seen before, but I would say that if you haven't seen it I would recommend it because overall it did do a good job with what was provided. I gave it a 8/10 on myanimelist. 

I hope you guys enjoyed the post and if you do decide to watch the Anime leave me a comment and tell me what you thought. I will see you guys next month with a new post so until then stay safe and have a great Labor Day!


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