Monday, December 19, 2022

OVA Review! Air Gear Kuro no Hane to Nemuri no Mori - Break on the Sky (2011)

 What is up guys! Its that time again, I am back with another review and the last review of the year. This will be the last post until sometime in January when I return with a new review for you guys. 

    The Anime I'm reviewing today is from a series that I love and really enjoyed watching . The series in question is non other than Air Gear. Now before I start the review I will say that this ova from what I've read takes place chapters after the Anime and is more of a random arc than a huge part of the story. I have not read the manga so ill try to go light on the review.

    First it was glad to dive back into the world of Air Gear because its a series that I really enjoyed and found fun and interesting. This OVA though, was really hard for me to enjoy, not really because I had not read the manga but because the episodes felt so random and kind of thrown together, which made the episodes sort of hard to follow.

    The ova features two fights but episodes 2 and 3 feature the fight against the former members of Sleeping Forest and while the fight is a good one at times I felt lost trying to follow all the characters and all of the action and I found myself starting to tune out some of the action. 

    As someone who hasn't read the Manga, I don't recommend this ova unless you just want some more Air Gear content and not really concerned with the context of why some things are happening. 

    Overall I would have to give it a 7/10 because while it is good, it also leaves a lot to be desired. The ova's are on YouTube so you can watch it there.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy this review. The numbers have been really good this year so thank you so much for reading the blog and enjoying. See you guys next month.


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Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)