Thursday, March 30, 2023

ONA Review! Ajimu: Kaigan Monogatari ( 01/02)

 What is up guys! I almost didn't make it but I have a new review for you guys this month! Hope everyone has been doing well and staying safe and if your in Georgia like I am, I hope this crazy weather hasn't impacted you to much.

I was hoping to have gotten this review done a few weeks ago but I procrastinated just a bit on watching the series so it took me a while to finally get to it. Today we are going all the way back to 2001/2002 and we will be taking a look at the anime Ajimu: Kaigan Monogatari.

I would describe this Anime as a comedy/ Slice of Life mixed in with some light pervyness. Our main characters are of course Ajimu and Nakaido, who run into each other on the train one morning and in typical Anime fashion Nakaido instantly falls in love and is determined to get to know Ajimu. 

The ona is 4 episodes and for me its a tale of 2 episodes because the first two episodes are really solid but then the last two episodes sort of dropped off and the story seems to forget its pacing and just feels like random clips put together. In the first two episodes we see the two actually start to bond even after Ajimu thought he was a pervert due to a tennis racket (just watch lol), but they start to get along and we even discover that Ajimu has a hidden talent.

Episode two we get more interaction with the other side characters and we even learn about a old friend of Ajimu's that isn't around and to me this is where the series started to go down. Episode 3 and 4 just seem so random at times, The friend makes a return and all the characters seem to just have random interactions with each other that really don't mesh. Towards the end Nakaido gets hurt but does recover due to Ajimu but the whole thing just falls flat.

For me this Anime had real potential and is a victim or being to long, it would have made a perfect two episode ona but they tried to stretch it out and the story got watered down. 

Alright, well thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. I will be back with another review and hopefully that one will be more positive. Stay safe and healthy


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