Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Movie Review! Aikatsu Planet! Movie (2022)

 What is up guys! Its that time of the month again, so you know what that means....Its review time! I hope you all are doing well and enjoying the current Anime and Con season. This month I'm bringing you guys a movie review and I know I haven't done a review for a movie in a while so its nice to finally get back to them.

The movie up for review is a movie based on the CGI/ live action Anime series Aikatsu Planet! and the movie is titled Aikatsu Planet! Movie. If you have seen Aikatsu Planet then you will know what to expect from this movie and while you don't have to watch the series to fully enjoy this movie, it does pick up right after the series so its best to watch that first so you understand who all the characters are and why they are doing certain things. 

In this movie we jump right in after the fine stage performance by the idols and we see Mao dreaming about how well the stage went and having another huge performance with all the idols together outside of competing with each other. Feeling inspired she decided to live stream a festival type event to not only show the other idols how much they mean to her but to also show the fans how much they mean.

Once the Festival gets started the movie basically follows the same formula as the show, we see the different girls each do a different activity that centers around one idea but includes all the idols and they basically all do mini concerts and then inside the Aikatsu world they also interact with the fans. While the movie is nothing to special I do enjoy it because I do enjoy Idol music, and while this series as a whole is pretty cringe its still a easy and relaxing watch because its just the idols having fun and singing some pretty solid songs.

The half live action half CGI anime is trying to become a bigger part of the culture and I think Idol series like this are what that formula is made for because the two blend pretty well and the music will draw you in and of course the cute idols. If you haven't seen this series or movie I recommend them, its a pretty easy watch and the movie can be found on YouTube. 

Thanks for reading as always and ill be back next month with another one...


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