Monday, August 31, 2020

Movie Review:The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya(2010)

 What is up everyone! I hope you are all doing well and having a great Monday. It is finally time, I am back with another review for you guys and this is a review that I thought I had already done but seems like I hadn't. The review I have for today is a movie that normally I don't hear many good things about but I think you will find that i'm not as negative on it.

The movie in discussion today is the one and the only Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. Ill start by saying going into this movie, I didnt have the most positive view because not only had I always heard that the movie was long and a bit boring but I also didnt enjoy the the series that much so I figured this might be more of the same. 

The premise of the movie is that during the winter Kyon goes to school for a holiday presentation and finds out that Haruhi has seemed to have disappeared and nobody remembers the S.O.S Brigade. I wont dive to far into spoilers but from here we follow Kyon as he goes on the search for Haruhi and try to bring back the memories of the Brigade. 

The movie follows along the same lines as the show but I can say that the comedy is toned down and takes on a more serious tone but for me it was more enjoyable with less comedy. I can see why people are not huge fans of the movie but personally I felt like the movie had better pacing and also the characters seemed to have more personality which made me enjoy it.

Overall is it a great movie? No, but I can say I did enjoy it and I rated it a 7/10 on myanimelist. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you Enjoyed it!


Monday, August 17, 2020

Update on reviews on the Blog

 What is up everyone! I hope you all are doing well. This will be a short post today but I wanted to come in a update you guys on some changes that will be happening with the reviews coming up in the near future.

As many of you may have heard, Kissanime has officially shut down( for good it seems) so that means that all the anime I had saved to watch and review is now gone( R.I.P my backlog). im currently in the process of trying to scrap together the few anime that I can find on and then ill just have to find new anime to add to my list that I am now backing up on myanimelist. 

Rebuilding the backlog wont play a role in the forgotten anime post as almost all of those animes are one that I have already watched but I was planning to get back to doing movie and ova reviews in the next few weeks but those are on hold for at least a week or two until I can get a semi decent list back together.

Sorry the reviews havent been back yet but I promise they will be back sooner rather than later and hopefully in a week or two. Thanks for your patience and thanks for reading. Hope you all have a great week!


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon: Forgotten Anime 19?

What is up guys! Hope you all are doing well and staying safe, I am finally back with a new Forgotten anime post and I hope you all enjoy it. I'm hoping to bring post back on a regular basis which means I really need to take advantage of the scheduling feature lol. Also before I get started I want to say thanks to everyone still checking out the blog because our numbers are still really solid so I appreciate it alot.

    So as many of you know, when it comes to these forgotten animes, most of them are ones that were my favorite and this one is no exception. This is an anime that I think got over looked due to how graphic it could be and I think for some that overshadowed the story. The anime that is the topic today is the one and only Cross Ange.

Cross Ange premiered during the fall 2014 season alongside some pretty heavy hitters such as Seven Deadly Sins and an anime that you probably didn't watch called Shirobako. For a little backstory Cross Ange takes place in a world where you either have a power called Mana or you don't and if you don't then your basically a second class citizen and this goes double for Ange because she is from the royal family yet has no mana so she is disowned. Ange gets sent to this island where all the girls who don't have mana go and live out their days fighting dragons.

I would say that a lot of the stuff that takes place on the island could be the reason that the show has become forgotten because there are some scenes that are a bit hard to watch because they are unexpected and for me personally some of the character deaths really hit hard. Once you get past that though the story really picks up and it becomes a story of acceptance and a very well done one at that.

If you have not seen the anime by chance I would highly recommend it, I gave it a 9/10 on Myanimelist. The series should not be to hard to find if you do want to watch it, im pretty sure most of the legal sites except Crunchyroll should have it available to watch so I hope you enjoy.

Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoy! 


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)