Monday, August 17, 2020

Update on reviews on the Blog

 What is up everyone! I hope you all are doing well. This will be a short post today but I wanted to come in a update you guys on some changes that will be happening with the reviews coming up in the near future.

As many of you may have heard, Kissanime has officially shut down( for good it seems) so that means that all the anime I had saved to watch and review is now gone( R.I.P my backlog). im currently in the process of trying to scrap together the few anime that I can find on and then ill just have to find new anime to add to my list that I am now backing up on myanimelist. 

Rebuilding the backlog wont play a role in the forgotten anime post as almost all of those animes are one that I have already watched but I was planning to get back to doing movie and ova reviews in the next few weeks but those are on hold for at least a week or two until I can get a semi decent list back together.

Sorry the reviews havent been back yet but I promise they will be back sooner rather than later and hopefully in a week or two. Thanks for your patience and thanks for reading. Hope you all have a great week!


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