Monday, August 31, 2020

Movie Review:The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya(2010)

 What is up everyone! I hope you are all doing well and having a great Monday. It is finally time, I am back with another review for you guys and this is a review that I thought I had already done but seems like I hadn't. The review I have for today is a movie that normally I don't hear many good things about but I think you will find that i'm not as negative on it.

The movie in discussion today is the one and the only Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. Ill start by saying going into this movie, I didnt have the most positive view because not only had I always heard that the movie was long and a bit boring but I also didnt enjoy the the series that much so I figured this might be more of the same. 

The premise of the movie is that during the winter Kyon goes to school for a holiday presentation and finds out that Haruhi has seemed to have disappeared and nobody remembers the S.O.S Brigade. I wont dive to far into spoilers but from here we follow Kyon as he goes on the search for Haruhi and try to bring back the memories of the Brigade. 

The movie follows along the same lines as the show but I can say that the comedy is toned down and takes on a more serious tone but for me it was more enjoyable with less comedy. I can see why people are not huge fans of the movie but personally I felt like the movie had better pacing and also the characters seemed to have more personality which made me enjoy it.

Overall is it a great movie? No, but I can say I did enjoy it and I rated it a 7/10 on myanimelist. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you Enjoyed it!


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