Monday, December 19, 2022

OVA Review! Air Gear Kuro no Hane to Nemuri no Mori - Break on the Sky (2011)

 What is up guys! Its that time again, I am back with another review and the last review of the year. This will be the last post until sometime in January when I return with a new review for you guys. 

    The Anime I'm reviewing today is from a series that I love and really enjoyed watching . The series in question is non other than Air Gear. Now before I start the review I will say that this ova from what I've read takes place chapters after the Anime and is more of a random arc than a huge part of the story. I have not read the manga so ill try to go light on the review.

    First it was glad to dive back into the world of Air Gear because its a series that I really enjoyed and found fun and interesting. This OVA though, was really hard for me to enjoy, not really because I had not read the manga but because the episodes felt so random and kind of thrown together, which made the episodes sort of hard to follow.

    The ova features two fights but episodes 2 and 3 feature the fight against the former members of Sleeping Forest and while the fight is a good one at times I felt lost trying to follow all the characters and all of the action and I found myself starting to tune out some of the action. 

    As someone who hasn't read the Manga, I don't recommend this ova unless you just want some more Air Gear content and not really concerned with the context of why some things are happening. 

    Overall I would have to give it a 7/10 because while it is good, it also leaves a lot to be desired. The ova's are on YouTube so you can watch it there.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy this review. The numbers have been really good this year so thank you so much for reading the blog and enjoying. See you guys next month.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

ONA Review! Aharen-san wa Hakarenai Mini (2022)

 What is up guys! A new month means that I'm back with a new blog for you guys. Hope everyone has been doing well. In a small update, you may notice that a need rss feed has been put on the blog and that feed is for my Kpop/Jpop themed podcast so feel free to check it out lol.

    The review for this month is from a Anime that just wrapped up last season and one one of my favorites due to the randomness and of course all the Esteem( hope you get that reference). The Anime that is up for review today is Aharen-san wa Hakarenai. 

For those of you not familiar with the service, it revolves around the Reina and Raidou who are classmates and get into the most random situations...and Reina has a stalker lol. The ona series is basically a mini version of the show in Chibi form with them getting into weird situations all under a minute.

The ona series is made up for 18 one minute episodes that were released on Twitter,  and one thing that I really enjoyed about these episodes, even watching the episodes raw, were that they felt like a really good introduction into the series and feels like an easy way to tell someone not familiar with the series exactly what the shows is about. 

While all of the shorts are pretty simple and to the point, my favorites all included their teacher who catches a nosebleed every time she see's Reina and Raidou together because she just cant handle all their esteem and its hilarious, she is easily one of my favorite characters. 

Overall these are just some fun little bonus episodes to help give the fans of the series some extra content and I enjoyed them. If you haven't seen the original series yet, I would recommend these just to give you a taste of what you are in store for.

As always, thanks for reading and ill be back next month with another review for you guys! Until next time stay safe and.....


Monday, August 22, 2022

OVA Review! Aika Zero (2009)

 What is up guys! is is that time once again and we are back with another blog for you guys. This month we continue with the Aika series and I bring you the last piece of that pervy Anime Pie. I do hope that you all have been doing well and if you have been able to, I hope you have been enjoying con season. 

    Now that the introduction is out of the way, its time to jump into another episode of Agent Aika and this time the series we are looking at is Aika Zero. Aika Zero takes place after the R-16 series and as weird as it sounds, this was probably the most pervy series yet. 

    In Zero we find out that Girls are starting to be kidnapped and taken hostage by a group of students who only take the girls the find to have certain assets that make them stand out from the rest. Did I mention that the girls are attacked by this electric wire that attacks them in the area below if you catch my drift. Once Aika and the team catch on to watch is happening they began to plot their rescue mission. 

    The plan consist of Aika going undercover and trying to find the girls while she is fooling them into thinking she doesnt know their plan. I'm sure you know how well this plan works and it turns into a lets rescue Aika mission as well. I feel like I have said this before but Aika is a decent series that is held back by their need for Panty Shots every 15 seconds and at some point is just becomes hilariously annoying and it takes away from the show.

    Overall the show is a decent story with some decent action and its Aika so you do know what you will be getting but overall the series is just not great and a clear mid 2000's anime.

As always thank you guys for reading, the year is winding down but I still have a few more reviews coming so I hope you all look forward to them.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

OVA Review! Agent Aika ( 97-99)

 What is up guys! I am finally back with a new blog for everyone. I hope everyone is doing well, Con season is in full force so I hope everyone is staying safe, I went to Momocon recently and thankfully I didnt come back with that C19. 

I decided to come back this month with a banger of a Anime to review. This ova is so top tier that everyone should watch it at least once. This Anime is none other than Agent Aika aka the anime that spams the panty shot button lol.

Agent Aika is a very hard anime to explain, first this is a sequel to Aika Zero, but I haven't seen that one yet so I may miss a few things. This is a 7 episode OVA and it follows Aika, her side kicks Shuntaro and and Rion and the comic relief character Gust. The main villain in this series in a guy named Rudolf and then eventually his sister/night partner (Gotta love Anime right?). 

I will say that the cat and mouse game that we get between Aika and Rudolf can be entertaining at times because he really is just a evil guy and Aika is a solid agent with good fight skills but like much of this Anime the reliance on it constantly being pervy takes away from the little bit of story that is there. As much as I did enjoy Rudolf as a character I will say that his sister is actually a better enemy for Aika because she is just as clever and is willing to be a bit more underhanded.

One of my favorite characters in this series has to be my dude Shuntaro who is just a complete air head but also hilarious because he is just there to annoy Rion and to look surprisingly cute in the outfits of the enemies.

Despite the pervyness I will say that Aika does a good job at having a all female anime cast that are all made to look strong and tough and I did enjoy that but we also say way to much of their underwear and as much as I love my pervy anime even this got a bit overboard.

Aika is a experience and with so many shows in the franchise I say give it a watch and I think if nothing else you will get a few good laughs from it, but you should probably watch alone or with the door closed.

Thanks for reading and ill be back next month with another review!


Thursday, April 28, 2022

OVA Review! .hack//Quantum (2011)

 What is up everyone! Hope you are all doing well, I was hoping to get this review up weeks ago but I may or may not have just been being lazy lol. Hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying the current Anime Spring season. 

I am back with a new ova review for you guys and this ova was another disappoint from a franchise that I really want to love but they are not making it easy. The series in question is .Hack and the series ill be reviewing today is .Hack//Quantum.

The series revolves around the friends who all play the game together until one day, one of the friends just disappears. The other friends them begin this search of not only finding out what happened to the friend but also solving some other weird things that are happening. If any of this sounds familiar, that's because its basically every virtual reality Anime you have every seem. 

Later around episode 2, we find out about another character and how they play a role in everything that is happening. Without spoiling to much, the character is someone the girls do not suspect due to their friendliness but their backstory clears that up in no so great detail. This series much like another .Hack series I watched refuses to actually take time to expand on the story and instead they just try to pile as much stuff into one or two scenes as they can and it just makes everything feel cramped and hard to follow.

    In episode 3, we finally get to see what really happened and why a character did what they do and why but to be honest I was just glad to see it all be wrapped up and done with. .Hack seems to be a franchise that is just for those who love the games because they are written as if they expect you to be fully aware of the story before watching and to me that just isolates those who have not played it. 

The anime wasn't terrible just not great, so for that I will give it a 5/10 but unless you are really into .Hack I would say you can skip this OVA.

Thank you all for reading, and I will be back next month with another semi decent blog for you guys lol. If you have seen this show then leave a comment. Until next Month....


Monday, February 28, 2022

Movie Review! Barefoot Gen (1983)

 What is up guys! I hope everyone is doing well. I know I'm a little late but I'm getting in the post for February just in time before its over lol. I hope everyone has been staying safe and hopefully your month has been good so far and for all my Twice fans, if you were lucky enough to see them live....were not friends anymore because I didn't lol . 

Alright the review for today is one that wasn't planned because I was going to be reviewing Aika but I got behind while watching other things so I decided to save it for next month and do a movie instead....and now I'm glad that I did.  The review is a movie that I wasn't even aware of and that is Barefoot Gen.

This Movie takes place in 1945 which as I'm sure most of you know is during the time of the war Between The US and Japan and it highlights how people were living during that time and how that had to adapt after the bombings. I'm sure by now you will be thinking "is this Grave of the Fireflies/" and yes the plots are very similar but Barefoot certainly can stand on its own and is equally as great in my opinion.

Our main character is Gen who loves to spend time with his younger brother and loves his family and even though his family is basically living day to day or as we say today check to check, he is very positive and can see the gold at the end of the rainbow. 

Eventually tragedy does hit and even though I knew the bombs were coming the build up really had me choked up and just seeing the people in terror really hit home just how devastating it was and also shows just how fast your life can be turned completely upside down.

Once the rebuilding of life begins we see that nothing will be the same and we also get introduced to a new character that helps to being a little light to Gen and also brings back a little bit of his past. Ill leave the review here so that I wont spoil anything but if you cannot tell this move is a must watch for any Anime fan and while it can be a hard watch because of the subject its also a very beautiful movie. The movie can be found on YouTube so its easy to access.

Well thank you all for readying and I hope you enjoyed this piece. Ill be back in march with something much lighter as I review Aika. Until then Stay safe and see you guys soon.


A3! Autumn and Winter Review

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

OVA Review! Ai wa KAT-TUN (2012)

 What is up guys! Its time for the monthly blog post, so I hope everyone is ready. First I hope everyone had a great holiday and also a great new year, both of mine were pretty chill and all I did pretty much is relax.

This week I'm bringing you a review of a Anime that is basically a advertisement for the Jpop group KAT-KUN. While the Anime is a advertisement, it s enjoyable for what it is because its basically just short fun segments. 

If you have seen Anime's such as Fruits Basket or any Anime with the theme of "Handsome Guys doing handsome guy stuff" then you will know and enjoy what you will get from this show because that is exactly what this is just to a lesser degree. First the episodes are only 53 seconds long so if you are looking for depth, this is not where you find it but the episodes being short helps the comedy easier to digest. 

Each episode basically follows the same plot we have our main female character interact with one male character then some comedy happens and its over, its really short, simple and if you blink you will miss what happens. I would only recommend this Anime only if you enjoy seeing handsome guys doing the most random of things.

I will say, I watched this Anime on YouTube because its not that easy to find and I also watched it with no subs but you really don't need to understand what they are saying because the interactions tell the story well. 

I would give this anime a 6/10, for what it does its a ok show and its quick enough that it doesn't waste much time. Thank you all for reading and leave me a comment if you decide to watch this Anime. Well until next month...


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)