Friday, October 4, 2013

Puppy Update!

Hello Everyone! Davius here, yes we are still alive. I'm sorry its been so long since we have posted any reviews or barks, things have just been really busy lately, but we are back and now with a few day gaps in my school schedule i will be getting more reviews up.Now on to the update, there are just a few things going on and a few changes coming.

First thing is, lately I have been hooked on playing visual novels(I am currently playing 2) so finding my new addiction, Im going to start reviewing visual novels. There are some really good ones and I want to share the love with all of you.

Next bit of news, due to me and Roberts crazy schedules at the moment, I'm thinking about doing the barks just once a month now, with bonus puppies in between the time when there is no bark. I just fill this would give us a chance to have better content to talk about and in turn make better episodes for you guys.

And lastly, we have applied to do a panel at nerdacon in November. It is a small con that takes place in Columbus, Georgia. Hopefully we will get it, we really want try this and see how it goes. So if your in the Georgia area check out nerdacon its a pretty fun con.

Ok, I think thats it for now. Thanks for being great fans, we really appreciate it. Be on the look out for a review of the new fall season of anime and also the first visual novel review.

Have a good night everyone!


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