Wednesday, November 27, 2019

End of the year update!

What is up everyone! We are quickly approaching the end of the current anime season as well as the end of the year so I figured I would come through and drop you guys a update so you know what the schedule is for the coming weeks.

First up is Youtube, I will be dropping a video this week discussing the Mangas that I had in my High school library, this will be a Bonus Puppy Episode. Next I will be participating in the 12 Days of Anime once again, but this year I will be doing just one top 12 video because doing 12 videos wore me out last year lol.

Secondly is the Audio only podcast on Anchor, I will be uploading a Anime news hour, Ova review and also a end of the year wrap up episode on there in the coming weeks with the plan for both the Ova and Anime news hour to be up next week.

Third is the blog here, I will be posting a Tokyo Godfathers review hopefully next week and I will also be doing a post of my favorite anime for the year and my worst anime for the year.

Lastly I know I havent updated it in a few months but Eclipse Animation will be getting some new episodes hopefully in December but if not they will be there in January. If you have any animes you would like to see on there comment them below.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Captain Earth: Forgotten anime 17?

What is up guys! Hope you all have been doing well. I was thinking yesterday that a new blog post was long overdue so I figured today would be a good day to give you guys a post. This weeks post will be another forgotten anime post, this one was a bit hard because I couldn't figure out what anime to talk about but then it hit me Lets talk about a show that I love but nobody else seems to and that show is Captain Earth!

Captain earth was a anime that came out in 2014 and way brought to us by the studio Bones. Bones has given us some great anime but they also gave us Stardriver......F'n Stardriver..... but this is not a post about that garbage.

Captain Earth was about the main character Daichi who stumbles upon this facility that is for lack of a better word raising  tube children inside of it, which brings us our other main characters Hana, Akari and teppi. Now im not going to tell you that Captain Earth is some great story in fact I would say that the show is basically Eureka Seven with Daichi being Renton and Hana being Eureka.

What I enjoyed about Captain Earth was that It provided so really good characters and while the story can be a little lacking the action and character interactions were always really fun.

I can understand why some people dont like this anime but I recommend it to fans who just enjoy a little senseless mech fighting mixed in with a little bit of pervyness If you do decide that you have some time to waste I highly recommend Captain Earth and If you hate it then Remember I told you not to watch it lol, it is licensed  by Sentai Works so it should be available legally to watch somewhere. 

Thanks for reading.....


Thursday, July 18, 2019

Kyoto Animation studio Fire

I was not sure If I was going to discuss this or not, but after sitting here for a few hours I decided that I would give my thoughts on it. As im sure most of you have heard,  Kyoto Animation studio was set ablaze and sadly at least 33 people lost their lives due to the fire.

I wasnt sure what words I could say that could really highlight just how horrific this really was and its starting to seem that just as I was afraid of this was done out of malice and hatred. When I first read the news there was no suspect but then some hours later it came out that there was indeed a suspect and that there was a potential reason for this fire. I wont even mention what the reasoning was because there is absolutely no justification for why this happened but I will say that unfortunately the reason behind it did not surprise me because I know how obsessive some people be over certain types of media in Japan.

I wont ramble on to long and sorry if this post does not do this situation justice but I just want to send all my thoughts and Prays to the family and friends of all 33 people who lost their lives and also to anyone who was injured during the fire. Attacks like this are unjustifiable and hopefully this wont be happening again anytime soon.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Deadman Wonderland: Forgotten Anime 16?

Hey everybody! Guess who is finally back. Hope you all have been doing well, sorry I haven't posted a new blog in a while I've just been getting behind on animes, before I go on to this weeks forgotten anime, I just want to say that the spring season of anime has been pretty great and Carole and Tuesday is my anime for the season.

Now on the the review, I was watching this anime Akaneiro ni Somaru and while watching one of the main characters has this weird nickname due to the fact people think he committed a crime and while watching I thought......Deadman Wonderland! lol. You guessed it today's forgotten anime will be on the one the only Deadman Wonderland.

Deadman Wonderland debuted in 2011 along shows such as Steins Gate, Blue Exorcist, Gintama and Tiger and Bunny. I remember really loving this series when it first came out, the story of Ganta being convicted of killing his classmates was interesting and then the jail setting was a lot of fun. You may say "I remember this show" and I'm sure most do but it seems after the show was on adult swim or toonami people kinda stopped talking about it. The show had a solid fan base but I feel like the show hasn't aged well and it is now just one of those shows we look back on with fond memories.

While I myself have not revisited the series in years, I would defiantly say it is worth a re watch because the story was really good and its a shame we never got a second season. For all of you who have not seen the show, it is a bit bloody from what i remember so if you don't like much gore it may not be the show for you. Ok guess the rant is done I just wanted to touch on a show that I feel needs to be re mentioned after all these years.

Well as always I hope you guys enjoyed this review, I should be back in about two weeks with another review for you guys because I'm planning to talk about another forgotten anime.....Guilty Crown...yea google it lol. Thanks for reading and see you guys later.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Classic OVA Review: Armed Dragon Fantasy Villgust (1993)

Hey everyone! Hope you all have been doing great. I know its been a while but I am finally back with a review for you guys. I have a long list of Ova's that I am planning to review for the blog and I am trying to finally get around to watching and reviewing the.

Today's Ova that i will be reviewing is a 90s Ova and if there is one thing I have learned from 90s anime is that they can be hit or miss with miss being 90% of the time. Armored Dragon Fantasy Villgust ( Yes that is the actual name) falls somewhere in the middle, its not quite a hit but not really a miss either.

Armored Dragon, is a Ova done by the studio Animate Film, this studio has done some of my favorites such as Gravitation: Lyrics of love and the Knight Hunters series. They have also done some not so great series such as Bounty Dog. So this studio has a pretty even track record.

The basic story of Armored Dragon, is that there are a group of warriors who just so happen to be all children, who have been recruited to help and save their world from darkness. It is a pretty basic story and also a pretty thin plot. During the show one of the characters get kidnapped and that is the premise for the remainder of the show because her friends are on the search for her while at the same time fighting off the bad guys who are trying to take over.

The show is pretty light hearted so you can dive into it pretty easy and enjoy it. I wont say that the show is bad but it is just a average anime, I do not think that it is licensed so if you want to watch it you will more than likely have to try Youtube or a fansub site. I would also like to mention that while researching for this review i discovered that there is a NES game for this anime...So ill probably pick that up. I would have to give the show a 5/10 because its just average but enjoyable.

Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoyed the Review!


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Deltora Quest: Forgotten Anime 15?

Hey guys! Hope everyone has had a great week so far and hopefully you are having a great Wednesday. I am trying to keep these post coming on a regular basis so we are back with another post for you guys, this post is one that I thought I had already done given how much I love this anime but while I was checking my past post I realized that I hadn't, so the post for today is a forgotten anime post and the anime in question is......Deltora Quest.

I first discovered Deltora Quest when it was coming on the now also forgotten tv channel called The Hub, on first glance I thought that it was just another kids anime but the more I watched the more I realized that it actually had a really good story and characters that you wanted to see succeed. Deltora Quest came out in 2007 and given that it was a children's anime that seemed to fly under the radar im not surprised that here in the states it flew under the radar but given that it is also a book series I am surprised that it didnt get picked up by a bigger channel like Cartoon Network.

I would recommend Deltora Quest to anyone who enjoys adventure animes and while it is not bloody or anything the fighting and the action will defiantly keep you interested and will have you waiting to see what happens next. If you do decide to watch the series only the first 52 episodes are dubbed but the series is 65 episodes in total so you have to watch the others subbed. As far as I know the series is not currently licensed but you can watch it legally on Tubi Tv.

Well that is another post in the books, I hope you guys have enjoyed it as always and thank you for reading. Until next time....


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

NGT48 Idol Apologizes for Allegedly being Assaulted....Wait SHE apologizes!?

Hey everyone! Hope you all are having a great week so far and if your in the South I hope your enjoying all the cold weather we are having lol.

So I was reading a article a few weeks ago about a member of the Idol group NGT48 who was allegedly assaulted by two men( who were later arrested) yet after the ordeal she was the one who apologized( no doubt by force) to her fans for the alleged assault. That is why im typing up this post today because once again the idol culture has failed to surprise me, the fact that she had to issue an apology for this situation just shows how much these companies dont actually care about the Idols well being.

Granted this situation is alleged but still an apology is the last thing that should have come out of this situation especially from her. Fans in the Idol culture have been known to be possessive and obsessive and this is just more proof of that. I wont go on to long about this but I thought it was ridiculous and some people have stated that they think she may have been lying due to no charges being pressed  but either way if she felt unsafe then she has nothing to apologize for.

Thanks for reading my post and sorry if I rambled on a bit in the end. Hope you all have a great weekend and until next time...


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Karneval: Forgotten Anime 14?

Hey Guys! Welcome to the first blog post of the new year, I hope you all are doing well. I hope your New year is off to a great start and I hope to add to that great start. Today's post will be another forgotten anime post, this anime even I forgot about and I really loved it at the time but given the season that it came out in I can see why it has slipped the memory of fans.

The anime that we will be discussing is the anime Karneval. Karneval was a anime that premiered during the Spring 2013 season. The first thing I remember about this anime was that it was very colorful and bright much like the anime K. Before you ask the name Karneval is due to the fact that the government agency in the anime is referred to as Circus.

To put into perspective how this anime got lost in the shuffle so to speak, during that season animes such as the devil is a part timer, Crime Edge and a anime you may know I think its called Attack On Titan. Just With AOT alone it is easy to see why this anime got lost and as someone who did watch and enjoy Karneval ( and apparently rated it a 8/10) I will say that why I found the characters to be enjoyable especially one of the two main characters Gareki. That being said the show didnt do anything special or new it was just really good for what it was.

Overall I would say if you like animes such as K or even Black Butler I think you will enjoy this anime, and it is licensed by Funimation so it should be easy to find and watch and after this i may even go search out the dvd. Well that wraps up this post so I hope you guys enjoyed the read and maybe this will add some new anime to your list.

Until next time...


Anime Review! Angel Beats (2010)